Christmas Tree Fire Safety
As you celbrate this holiday season, keep fire safety in mind. A small fire that spreads to a Christmas tree can grow quickly.
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), approximately one tenth of one percent (0.12%) of residential fires involve a Christmas tree – both real and artificial.
At NO time can a real Christmas tree START or CAUSE a fire. Christmas trees do not spontaneously combust.
In 1998 more than 32 million real Christmas trees were used in the United States. Of these, only 0.00093% were ignited in home fires.
Overloaded electric outlets and faulty wires are the most common causes of holiday fires in residences. These types of fires can be just as dangerous with an artificial tree. Lights should NEVER be left on when no one is home.
Christmas trees are not as likely to be the first item ignited in residential fires as many other common household items:
Newspapers and Magazines — 13 times more likely
Boxes or Bags — 10 times more likely
Curtains or Drapes — 9 times more likely
According to data from the National Fire Protection Association, of all residential fires, Christmas trees – both real and fake – are ignited in less than 1/10 of one percent (0.1%) of all the home fires. Keep that in mind if you see a sensational blazing tree on the “Action News”. These trees are often doused in a flammable liquid or cut many months prior to harvest time. Trees that are kept fresh during the holiday season using our Christmas tree care tips are extremely difficult to ignite.